By John Johnson
PCCA Chairman Jackie Mull announced his retirement from the cooperative’s board of directors on April 1. Mr. Mull served for more than 20 years on the board including 18 years as chairman.
“I am proud of the many things we have accomplished during that time, and I couldn’t have asked to serve with a greater group of men,” Mr. Mull said in a letter to PCCA delegates and gin managers. “Serving on this board, and as its Chairman, has been a wonderful experience. I wouldn’t trade it for anything,” he wrote. After accepting Mr. Mull’s resignation, the PCCA Board of Directors elected Eddie Smith as its new chairman.

Eddie Smith
“I will strive to listen and lead, in that order.”Eddie Smith
Smith, a cotton producer from Floydada, Texas, has served on PCCA’s Board of Directors since 1984. Smith also is a long time director and immediate past chairman of Cotton Incorporated and is a director of Floydada Coop Gin. He completed the Cotton Leadership Program in 1991 and serves as a delegate to the National Cotton Council and has served on its Environmental Task Force. Smith began farming following graduation from Texas Tech University in 1973 with a bachelor’s degree in agricultural economics.

Jackie Mull
PCCA’s bylaws empower the cooperative’s board, when a vacancy occurs, to appoint a successor until the next regular membership meeting (PCCA’s Annual Meeting in September). At that time, the members will elect a director from District 6 to fill the remaining two years of Mr. Mull’s term. Nominations for that remaining two-year term will come from the caucus of the delegates at the June delegate body meeting.
In order to make an interim appointment, the PCCA Board asked delegates from the gins in District 6 to caucus and make a recommendation. Following their caucus, the delegates recommended Dean Vardeman from Lubbock Cotton Growers, and Mr. Vardeman was appointed by the board on April 21.