How PCCA Transformed the Cotton Industry
by Blair White
One drop can cause a ripple in the ocean that never ends. One spark can start a fire. One word can make a difference. One storm can determine the outcome of a crop. One business can impact the global cotton industry. Over the course of 70 years in business, PCCA’s endeavors have been vital to the success of cotton growers and gins. PCCA is resilient, adaptable, and strategic; we do it all for you. Let’s review.
Facing the Facts
Since 1953, we’ve handled 114 million marketing and pool bales of cotton. We have members in 49 out of 50 states, and have generated $18 billion in total sales from the seasonal pools since their inception in 1987-1988. Today, we are 12,000 active grower-owners strong, and those are just the highlights.
It’s no secret that 2023 was one of our most challenging years. The drought that struck our service area was the worst since 2011, leading to 76% abandonment. Despite these trials, we remained focused on innovation, sustainability, and keeping your business on strong financial footing for the future.
“I think the lesson that shines through for me is that when our farmers work together, they can accomplish anything,” said Kevin Brinkley, PCCA CEO. “I think about some of the ideas that were born here and incubated here, and how they must have sounded at the time they were being considered. Then taking it from concept to reality – it is really amazing what this cooperative has accomplished with these farmers.”
It was the forethought of our founding farmers that led to industry changing innovations. They were focused on the future as well as the present, and we have all benefited from their drive to be and do more. No matter the hardships they encountered, these agriculturists persevered. Today, we do the same.
Value-Added Innovations
PCCA developed industry-changing innovations such as electronic warehouse receipts and online commodity trading years ago. We revolutionized pool marketing, cotton warehousing, and gin services. To get a closer look at these technologies, scan the QR code to read our 70th anniversary edition of Field & Fiber.
PCCA’s Board of Directors has placed an emphasis on innovation and strategy. In the last decade we have increased cyber security measures to protect your information online, constructed a private intermodal rail facility for shipping efficiency, and developed innovative marketing options like PCCA Direct® On-Call and the Grower Choice Pool option. We are committed to providing quality gin services and shipping cotton quickly and efficiently.
“My hope for the next 70 years is that this company goes on and accomplishes greater things than it has in its past 70 years,” Brinkley said. “That is a tall mountain to climb, but I really think that the work ethic and spirit of our farmers is going to make that possible. There are problems still left to address. Still plenty of challenges. You know, I think between the good ideas that we get from our growers and the dedicated staff we have, we can do that.”
E Pluribus Unum
Out of the efforts of many has come this company that has changed the face of the cotton industry. No one person did it alone, farmer or staff member. The strength in numbers of our patrons, the voice of our leadership, and the guiding principles of the cooperative business structure have led us to success. This is your business.
Nothing worth having ever comes easily. Never underestimate the power of one.