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Cotton Pickings


Former members of ACG’s Board of Directors and retired PCCA President C.L. Boggs joined the PCCA Board of Directors and President Van May during PCCA’s Annual Stockholders Meeting on September 15. The purpose of the gathering was to commemorate the final payment on PCCA’s long-term debt when it purchased the ACG Denim Mill.

Delegate Body Representatives

Recently, a number of PCCA delegate body representatives were elected or re-elected by their local coop gins. The following list was compiled through November 17, 1999.

Coop Gin Delegates
Childress Farmers Johnny Poe
Farmers Coop Gin-East Bernard Patrick Dusek
Grandfield Farmers Steve Simpson
Lockney Bill Race
Sentinel Farmers Rusty Ridling
Wellington Lynn Bartlett

Comings & Goings

A number of cooperative gins have announced management changes in recent months. If we have overlooked anyone, our apologies. Please contact us at 806-763-8011, extension 285, if your gin’s management has changed or if there is other news you would like to share with the readers of Commentator.

Coop Gin New Manager
Eakly Bennie Morgan
Grady County Ricky Anthony
Hale Center Ronnie Sherrod
Hobart Chris Ellison
Kress-Swisher County Buddy Vineyard
Loraine Stan McMillan
Mereta Greg Schwertnet
Southern Kansas Cotton Growers Gene Latham
Tahoka Franklin Moore
Wellington Joe Russell