U.S. Cotton Industry Rallies to Maintain Global Edge Amid Rising Brazilian Competition
By Jayci Bishop
The U.S. cotton industry is facing competition from both opposing textiles and other cotton-growing countries. The industry must band together to promote the high-quality cotton produced here.
“It means everything for our growers. One hundred percent of the cotton that we grow in our area is exported,” said Kevin Brinkley, PCCA President and CEO. “So, building that demand picture is what determines the financial outcome for our farmers.”
Exports are critical to the success of U.S. cotton farmers. The competition landscape is changing as Brazil has quadrupled its production since the year 2000.
“Brazil has become a very serious competitor,” Brinkley said. “The U.S. has historically been the biggest exporter of cotton and we hope to hold on to that title, but the competition is real. We’ve got to make sure that we are doing everything we can to promote the advantages of U.S. cotton and sustainability so that we maintain that edge in global markets.”
While Brazil’s use of its own cotton has remained largely the same for the last two decades, its production will increase to approximately 18 million bales, up from four million over the same period. Despite increasing competition, there are things you as a grower can do to combat these challenges.
“Unfortunately, Brazil has an advantage in cost of production over a U.S. crop right now. We have to make sure that we are extracting the maximum value downstream at the customer level, whether that’s a merchant or a textile mill,” Brinkley said. “One of the best things that we can do to have a competitive advantage is to make sure our cotton is different. Make sure it is contamination free. Make sure it is sustainable. Make sure it is the highest quality and make sure that we deliver a great package on time to our customers. Fortunately for growers, PCCA is doingthat on their behalf.”
As a PCCA grower-owner, your cooperative provides storage and logistic solutions that merchant and textile mills seek. PCCA also partners with Cotton Council International and the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol to promote the sustainable products you grow internationally.
“PCCA is a proud supporter of Cotton Council International, and we work together with them to develop markets in some of the toughest places on the globe. Cotton is consumed in a lot of developing countries, and CCI goes into those countries and provides resources and messaging around the value of U.S. cotton and particularly, the sustainable cotton that we have through the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol. These two programs are critically important to the future of U.S. cotton.”
Textile mills and customers are seeking out sustainably grown cotton. When you participate in the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol, it helps put your cotton at the front of the line. PCCA is also a proud member of AMCOT, which is short for America’s cotton marketing cooperatives. This organization is comprised of PCCA, Staplcotn, Calcot, and Carolinas Cotton Growers Cooperative.
“Together with the other grower-owned cooperatives in the U.S., we work to make sure that the value of co-op cotton is maximized, and that message is amplified around the world,” Brinkley said. “We also work to make sure that our friends in Washington, D.C., federal government, and Congress know the important role that cooperatives play in rural strength and rural economies.”
Whether it is in Washington, D.C. or international markets, PCCA fights for you, your operation, and demand for your cotton.
“U.S. cotton is one of the most highly sought after growths in the world. We want the demand for U.S. cotton to grow, but we are specifically focused on Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and New Mexico. We grow some of the most high quality, sustainable cotton in the world. When textile mills and merchandisers think of U.S. cotton, we want them to think first of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and New Mexico, and we want them to think of PCCA.”