By Amy Dromgoole

The layout for the Burton Gin Museum story from the 2008 Winter Commentator
The results from the 2009 Cooperative Communicators Association (CCA) awards are in and once again PCCA shines among the best.
CCA is an organization of 350 professionals who communicate for cooperatives. The organization’s mission is to work toward helping its members excel in communications involving anything from writing and photography to editing videos and layouts. They also take great pride in emphasizing ideas and strategies aimed at making communications more successful for cooperatives.

Lynette Wilson’s photo of Hattie Flannigan at the Post Stampede Rodeo captured third place in CCA’s Portrait Division.
The contest encompasses four categories: writing, programs and projects, photography, and publications.
Lynette Wilson, Communications Manager in PCCA’s Public and Legislative Affairs department, received third place in the Photography category in the portrait division for her portrait “Hattie Flannigan- Mutton Buster.” Wilson also received first place in the Publications category in the words and pictures division for “Celebrating Cotton’s Past.” Photos and a story about the Burton Cotton Gin Museum were published in the Winter 2008-09 Commentator.
In addition to Wilson’s recognitions, Bill Curnow, PCCA’s Application Infrastructure Architect and Web Administrator, received third pace in the Programs and Projects category in the Web site division for the SAFEDenim Web site which launched in Spring 2009. When asked about his award, Curnow believes that “combining advocacy and e-commerce together in a single website is difficult so it’s gratifying to know that we managed to do that with some success.”