By Brenna Baumann

South Plains Industrial Supply’s new location at 702 East 34th Street in Lubbock, Texas.
An increase in inventory and a new location make South Plains Industrial Supply (SPIS) a one-stop shopping place for ginners and producers providing items such as bats and brushes, bearings, gears, chains, seals, sprockets, bagging and ties, module tarps, paint, string, and various tractor and cotton stripper parts.
On Oct. 19, 2007, the company re-opened at its new location at 702 East 34th Street in Lubbock, Texas. With the recent acquisition of American Industrial Bearing Supply Company, SPIS now offers a complete line of cotton gin and industrial supplies and manufactures specialty gaskets and plastics.
Johnny Davis, manager of SPIS, explained the importance of the company’s growth and the benefits for its customers and the stockholders of the coop-owned supply store.
“The acquisition and the move will allow better service, more inventory, and better pricing,” Davis explained. “It also offers a more public location for customers to come by, pick up parts, visit, and keep up with the changes in the ginning industry.