By Jennifer Boyd

Philip Manske, Rule Coop Gin. Photo by John Johnson
PCCA recently signed on the oldest, continuous operating coop gin in Texas and possibly the oldest in the United States, according to Novis Pittcock, Rule Coop Gin clerk. PCCA Field Services Director Scott Stockton says Rule Coop signed on with PCCA on July 31, 2003, because of the consistent earnings at Rolling Plains Cooperative Compress (RPCC) and PCCA’s marketing programs.
“What brought them to us was their interest in being able to warehouse their cotton at RPCC,” Stockton says. “Rule Coop Gin Manager Philip Manske wanted to be able to offer a complete package for his growers and increase the gin’s volume.” Stockton also says the new addition will provide a nice volume to RPCC and increase its market share in the region.
“We’re excited about having them as a part of our business and for them to deliver their cotton to Sweetwater and be a part of our organization,” PCCA Field Representative Danny Helms says. “They truly are a pleasure to work with.”
“The current crop outlook is pretty fair, at least better than average,” Manske says. “We ginned 8,056 bales last year, but on average each year we increase our volume by 3,000 bales from the previous year,” he said. “We’re shooting for 11,000 bales this year.” Manske also says he is excited about the new relationship.